As the name suggests this is a combination of Swedish and Shiatsu massages. Some people prefer this for practical reasons. They want Swedish on the lower part of their body, with the oil or lotion for the long, smooth gliding strokes, kneading, friction, tapping and circular movement then Shiatsu with the dry acupressure on the upper part. Apart from the practical reason that they don’t favor oil on the upper part of the body when they fall asleep or when they put on their clothes to go to another appointment, some have special preference for this type of massage for their own personal reasons. Parts of the body to do Swedish or Shiatsu may vary from client to client. Relaxing and soothing effect is great just the same as Swedish and Shiatsu massages. This type of massage is preferred during the day by those who would want to take advantage of their lunch break to do a bit of relaxation before going back to their respective offices or a great combination after physical activity for those who prefer relaxation while enjoying muscle stretching.
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